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What we do

DAFRAM's engineering department is continually working to innovate, refine and improve products. Our engineers can work with the most advanced software applications such as Autocad, Pro-Engineer, Pro-Mechanica.

These advanced software applications are combined in Dafram with an extensive experience of more than 50 years in critical applications in the chemical, oil, gas and refining industries to design superior quality valves able to meet the most demanding performance requirements of our customers.

All main components of DAFRAM' valves are designed in accordance with the applicable international standards. Prediction by Finite Element analysis of stress levels and deflection is part of our standard procedures to design and verify the components and the valve assembly. Stress tests by strain gauges are also carried out to validate FE models. In the case of new products a prototype is checked by extensive physical testing using research & development department internal facilities and procedures.

According to customer's requirements valves can be designed, manufactured and tested to the following international standards:

  • API: 6A, 6D, 607, 598
  • ASME: B16.5, B16.10, B16.25, B16.34, B31.3, B31.4, B31.8
  • MSS: SP25, SP44, SP53, SP54, SP55, SP61, SP72, SP82
  • BS: 1503, 1504, 1560, 2080, 4504, 5146, 5351, 6755
  • ISO: 14313, 14723, 15156
  • ASME: Section V, Section VIII Div. 1 and 2 Section IX
  • ASTM: E94, E142, E165, E280, E446, E709
  • NACE: MR 01-75
  • EN: 558,1503,1626,1983,5211,12266,12516,12567,12570,12627,12982


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Design changesBecause of the constant technical review of our products, we reserve the right to modify those products within the specified Standards criteria... Read more...

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