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controlvalvesizing news  

DAFRAM in collaboration with TRE P Engineering has developed a web tool (based on IEC 60534 - Industrial process control valves international standards) through which end users, engineering companies and valve specialists can approach the sizing of control valves. The web page (www.controlvalvesizing.eu) is presented as a classic data sheet for control valves, in which the main operating parameters requested for the specific application could be entered as an input. In a few seconds a response about the different types of DAFRAM Control Valves that can satisfy the requirements of the process is given as an output.

This is to be considered as a first approach to the use of DAFRAM control valves, the further step will be a direct contact with DAFRAM technical and sales engineers to thoroughly study the best solution for each customer’s application.

How to (three easy step to follow)

STEP 1 (Data entry)
The first step in the selection of the correct flow control valve is to set the main parameters of the process. In detail, the tool need the process fluid data (liquid or gaseous), an operation point (flow rate and pressures) and the piping size. These are the minimum parameters for a proper tool operation; the portal also allows to add additional information such as other operation points, inlet temperature, type of fluid and pipeline schedule. In the data entry form the web tool allows to set a specific type of control valve. On the right side of the web page the user can change the units of measure of the parameters.

STEP 2 (Sizing)
After entering the main process parameters, the portal checks whether the specified valve in input is able to satisfy the conditions of the plant. If the field "valve type" in data entry was left blank the portal will seek which of DAFRAM Control Valves meet the process conditions specified in input. Other important information given as output are the size of the valve (different sizes of valves could meet the required specifications), the travel that meets the operating points (% of opening), the flow condition and the flow coefficient (Kv/Cv).

STEP 3 (Charting)
A further output of the web tool is the Flow Coefficient - Travel chart. Such information is of great importance since it allows to check the valve's percentages of opening that meet the operating points specified in the data input form.


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Design changesBecause of the constant technical review of our products, we reserve the right to modify those products within the specified Standards criteria... Read more...

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